How to install TYPO3 without composer?

Personally, I experience quite a bit of trouble with using composer combined with TYPO3

Why TYPO3 without composer?

This is the apache version. See the nginx version here.

I am quite and oldschool programmer. This is also why I sometimes have difficulties understanding the whole composer hype. One of my former colleagues introduced me with TYPO3 back in 2012, but I am scripting since 2004. I still use TYPO3 because I think it has some great benefits compared to other frameworks and cms'es.

With the latest TYPO3 9 release I was struggling with setting it up because of my unique workflow. I decided to try to install TYPO3 without the use of composer. This is tested only party, so use at your own risk. If you don't understand the command described in the following post, we suggest you not use them. We however have pretty good results with it combined with our CI-pipeline. We will cover our CI pipeline in another topic.

Where is your webroot?

First, think about where your webroot is. Typically this should be located at some of the following locations:

~/public_html (cpanel)
~/domains/yourdomain.tld/public_html (directadmin)
/var/www or /var/www/html (ubuntu/nginx etc)

Your webroot deterimines where you are gonna unpack the tarball. We usually choose to unpack installers next to the webroot instead of installing it directly into the folder, and then symlink to it. This is a personal preference and not required if you don't want to.

Downloading, unpacking and moving the installation to the right location

In this example we will use ~/public_html as our webroot.

#download and unpack typo3 9.5.x
wget -o typo3_v95.tgz
tar xzf typo3_v95.tgz
# this will create a folder name typo3_src-9.5.x

# lets move our current public_html folder to another name
mv public_html public_html_backup
# create a symlink to the typo3_src with the name 'public_html'
ln -s typo3_src-9.5.x public_html

This should add all the typo3 files to the public_html folder (which is actually a shortcut to typo3_src-9.5.x). The only real problem we found with this setup is that the .htaccess file is not in right location, but is it present somewhere.

Copying the .htaccess to the webroot

Next we need to copy the .htaccess file to the correct location. This is really imporant for security and url-rewriting purposes.

# cd into the working directory
cd public_html 
# copy the .htaccess file to the working directory
cp typo3/sysext/install/Resources/Private/FolderStructureTemplateFiles/root-htaccess .htaccess
# check if the file is present in the webroot
cat .htaccess
# or from one folder up
cat public_html/.htaccess

Make sure one of the two last commands is actually showing the contents of the expected .htaccess file. Running a site without .htaccess is like leaving the front-door of your house unlocked.

After this you can browse to your installation wizard at https://www.yourdomain.tld/typo3/install You will see the following screen.

Create a FIRST_INSTALL file if needed like this.

#optional, set working directory to ~/public_html/
cd ~/public_html

After this, just follow the wizard, create a database and provide the credentials and start entering the backend. If you want to learn how to set up a TYPO3 site: We have a tutorial for that!

Created by Daniel on 11/22/2024

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